Trainers at Vacaville
Raymond G
PFL allows me to play a role in training dogs (especially my favorite dogs, pit bulls)...
- FULL BIO -Jeremy
I refuse to be the person I once was, and PFL has given me the tools to remain on a positive path.
- FULL BIO -John
I wanted to be part of this life-changing program, and I also wanted to overcome my fear of loss.
- FULL BIO -Joshua
I certainly did not expect to receive the extraordinary support from people associated with PFL..
- FULL BIO -Eric
PFL is an amazing opportunity for me to work with dogs and help them find loving forever homes.
- FULL BIO -Thomas
I have witnessed how other men in PFL have developed a deeper understanding of empathy...
- FULL BIO -Johnny
I joined Paws for Life because I have always wanted to participate in a program that rescues dogs.
- FULL BIO -Yonatan
I joined Paws For Life K9 Rescue because I wanted to be part of this positive program.
- FULL BIO -Andre
I joined the Paws For Life program because I heard it is a positive way to give back for the harm I have caused.