

Occupation: Dog Trainer

location: LAC

I am privileged and is extremely grateful to be a part of the program. Training and caring for dogs has brought me a lot of joy, but more importantly has given me the opportunity to make amends and give back through the work that we do. There comes a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in being able to better the lives of the dogs we work with. We have a group of men here, along with PFL staff that are dedicated to nurturing our dogs to good health, training them, finding them a loving home. It is a huge responsibility caring for the dogs we receive. At times our patience is tested. It can also be challenging or exhausting working with a dog that is high energy or difficult. However, this is all a small price to pay in comparison to all the joy and love we receive from our dogs. I find myself constantly smiling, or laughing when I am with my dog. This program has not only helped me get in touch with my inner child but also given me the opportunity to do something meaningful.

I want to say thank you to Paws For Life K9 Rescue for the opportunity to participate in the program. Thank you for accepting me without judging me for my past, and seeing me as a human being that is capable of doing good. I also want to thank my family who has supported me throughout all the years that I’ve been physically away from them. Thank you also to all who have helped me along the way. You see the good in me and believed in me, even at times when I did not believe in myself. Thank you for not giving up on me and being there for me when I needed someone. I appreciate you all.